AUGUSTComplete our free online application or apply via the Common App.
SEPTEMBERSign up for your personalized campus visit or make plans to join us at Experience Trevecca Day.
OCTOBERSend your partial transcript to us via an electronic transcript service or by e-mail. This is required to be considered for admittance at Trevecca.
NOVEMBERApply for private scholarships (check out and
DECEMBERMerry Christmas! Enjoy the break, but be sure to fill out the FAFSA at (school code: 003526) as soon as possible. Remember, there are financial advantages to submitting this form earlier rather than later.
JANUARYBegin to narrow down your list of college choices as you decide which schools could be the best fit for you. Submit your ACT/SAT scores. Trevecca is test preferred, but scores are required for our highest academic scholarships and placements in courses.
FEBRUARYIf you haven't already, schedule an appointment with our financial aid team to discuss your personalized financial plan.
MARCHVisiting campus during our spring Experience Trevecca Day can help you further narrow your options, finalize your college decision or just get another look at life on the Hill. It's also a beautiful time of year to be in the heart of Nashville.
APRILThe final test scores for merit-based scholarships are accepted this month. Start preparing your health forms and making sure all immunizations are up to date.
MAYIf admitted, submit your deposit to attend Trevecca in the fall! After you submit your deposit, we'll send you information about our new student programs, Encounter and Orientation. Then just request your final transcript to be sent to Trevecca by your school. Your college experience is about to begin!
Our director of admissions, Sarah, is ready to help with any questions or concerns that you might have. She is here for you every step of the way!