Clubs & Societies
Adams League of Loyal Donors
The Adams League--named in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Homer Adams--recognizes donors who have made a gift of any size to Trevecca for five or more consecutive years. Some of the member of the League have made a gift annually to Trevecca for over 40 years!
Trevecca Legacy Partners
Trevecca Legacy Partners are individuals who have included Trevecca in their estate plans or through a life gift, such as a charitable gift annuity. These ultimate gifts help ensure Trevecca will continue to impact the lives of students through a transforming educational experience. If you have included or would like to include Trevecca in your estate plan and are not on this list, please contact Don Hastings at 615-248-1436 or
Trevecca Society
The Trevecca Society is composed of individuals and organizations that annually commit gift support totaling $1,000 or more in a fiscal year. Members support the University in many ways, including scholarships, facility projects, student mission trips, athletics, academic endeavors, and unrestricted gifts.
Trojan Boosters
The Trojan Boosters Endowment became a reality on April 4, 1988, when Dwight Ragsdale and then Trevecca President Homer Adams signed the papers forming the endowment. Funds are raised in several ways including the annual golf tournament and a men's basketball tournament.
To date, there has been $193,326 awarded as athletic scholarships and currently there is more than $470,744 in the corpus earning interest for additional scholarships. There are 150 Fellows, 35 Fellows-in-Progress and 20 Fellows-in-Memorial.
If you would like more information about the Trojan Boosters Endowment Fund, participating in the annual gold tounrament (the Saturday following Labor Day), or be a sponsor of the annual basketball tournament contact Dwight Ragsdale at (615) 545-7904 or
Athletic donor clubs
The Trevecca baseball program's Dugout Club and the basketball program's Purple and White Club supplement Trevecca Athletics through finances and service. Alumni and friends of the University can join at various levels from $25 to $5,000+ in exchange for merchandise, seats/passes and more.