traditional undergraduate on campus

History Education

Through collaboration between Trevecca’s Social and Behavioral Sciences Department and the School of Education, this program helps students to turn a love for learning history into a rewarding career cultivating the education of today's youth.

If you love learning how history has shaped the world and have a gift for working with children and youth, a bachelor's in history education may be a great path for you. This unique program allows you to turn your love of learning into a rewarding career cultivating the education of today's youth. 

The NCATE-accredited history education program at Trevecca is designed to prepare students for a teaching career in grades 6-12. The program is a collaborative effort between the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department and the School of Education, and offers students observation and teaching experiences to enhance their learning. Coursework culminates with a student teaching assignment.




Course Descriptions

Get details on all the courses you’ll complete as you work toward this degree at Trevecca.

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Course Descriptions

Get details on all the courses you’ll complete as you work toward this degree at Trevecca.*

Life, Calling, and Purpose
INT 1100
Students will begin a journey of self-awareness where they can identify their individual gifts and talents while considering how God can use their uniqueness within their field of interest. Goals of the course include building community, understanding leadership and service, and evaluating God's calling. Required of all first-time freshmen (those enrolling with less than 24 hours) who are younger than 24 years of age and have not taken a similar course at another accredited institution.
English Composition I
ENG 1020

Emphasizes the recursive writing process through appropriate determination of subject, audience, purpose, and style, with correct usage of grammar, punctuation, and logical organization. Students will use appropriate technologies for writing and learning.

English Composition II: Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking
ENG 1080

Emphasizes intellectual and analytical reasoning through reading and writing assignments. Includes instruction in library and research technologies and the writing of a research project.

Speech Communication
COM 1010

A study of the principles and practices of effective human communication, with emphasis placed on public speaking. The course emphasizes the critical thinking and skill development necessary for effective speech. Listening skills are included in the study.

Financial Stewardship
BUS 2010

Provides the student with a basic understanding of his or her economic environment and the basic principles and tools of personal financial management. Emphasis will be placed on personal financial planning, including budgeting, managing personal debt, insurance, taxes, investments, and real estate. When possible, topics will be analyzed and discussed from a Christian perspective.

Introduction to Health and Wellness
HPE 1500

Designed to assist the student in their understanding and development of a healthy lifestyle. Emphasis is placed on the components and behaviors that promote lifelong, positive outcomes in the five dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual. Includes a fitness laboratory component. Fee charged.

General Psychology
PSY 2010

General introduction to major areas of psychology with emphasis on the psychological bases for understanding human behavior. A recommended prerequisite to other psychology courses except PSY 2175.

Issues in Science
SCI 2600

An introduction to themes in the natural sciences that have significantly impacted our world. Among the themes discussed are relativity, modern cosmology, evolutionary thought, biotechnology, advances in modern medicine, biodiversity, and the use of natural resources. Scientific discoveries will be approached with both a historical perspective and a consideration of current and future applications. Interactions of scientific thought and the Christian worldview are considered. Lecture.

World Literature
ENG 2000

Designed to engage students in dialogue with a variety of Western and Non-Western world literature, past and present. ENG 2000 is a recommended prerequisite for all upper-level literature courses.

Introduction to Biblical Faith
REL 2000

An introduction to Biblical faith and literature designed to help the student acquire a knowledge of the basic content of Scripture as well as be able to employ basic Bible study skills.

Christian Tradition
REL 3000

An introduction to theology as it has developed in the history of the church with a view to understanding the relation between faith and life. Special attention is given to understanding the doctrine of holiness.

Christian Life and Ministry
REL 4000

An integration of Christian spirituality, life, and ministry. Through a wide variety of readings and experiences, care is given to evaluate the spiritual structure of the student and to understand spiritual gifts, disciplines, and what it means for each individual to be a constructive influence in the Church and society.

World Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval World
HIS 1400

A course of study from ancient times to the 1500s dealing with persistent and recurring political, social, and economic issues in history that thinking people have examined and that have shaped our contemporary world. This course covers Western and non-Western cultures. Offered every semester.

World Civilizations: Early Modern and Modern World
HIS 1450

A course of study from the 1500s to the present dealing with persistent and recurring political, social, and economic issues in history that thinking people have examined and that have shaped our contemporary world. This course covers Western and non-Western cultures. Offered every semester.

Fine Arts
MUS 1500

Designed to give students a historical perspective of music, art, sculpture, and architecture from ancient times to modern times.

English Acquisition (FE-10)
ESL 3150

Current approaches, methodologies, techniques, and materials for teaching English language learners primarily in K-12 setting. Designed to provide theoretical and practical experience in language acquisition. Fee charged. Course includes 10 hours of field experience in ESL classrooms, which must include a 6-12 setting.

Fundamentals of World Geography
GGY 2050

An introduction to geography that explores the impact of geography on the world's major social, linguistic, religious, and economic systems.

United States History Survey I
HIS 2010

Survey of United States' social, political, economic, and military development to 1877. Offered annually.

United States History Survey II
HIS 2020

Survey of United States' social, political, economic, and military development from 1877 to the present. Offered annually.

Human Growth and Cognition
PSY 2500

Explores human growth and development over the life span to understand the nature and needs of individuals at all developmental levels: physically, emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally. Designed to provide the developmental approach to cognition in children and adolescents within the context of major learning theories. Brain research, learning modalities, and metacognition are also examined.

Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
PSY 3411

An overview of the issues related to the characteristics of the exceptional learner. Concepts of learning and classroom management in the public school are considered.

Becoming a Teacher (FE-20)
EDU 1020

Provides observation and participation in a public school. Field study is completed in the following areas: classroom observation, classroom material preparation, and classroom interactions to enhance the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions required of educators. The requirements for entering the Teacher Education Program are part of the course. Graded S-U.

Foundations of Education
EDU 1500

Surveys the historical, social, philosophical, and psychological foundations of the American school system with emphasis on an introduction to the teaching profession. Designed to be the first course taken in the teacher education program. Taken in conjunction with EDU 1020.

Secondary Curriculum and Instruction (FE-20)
EDU 2300

Focuses on effective instructional methods and curriculum models for 6-12 teachers. Common Core Standards and best practices in creating enthusiastic learning environments and writing learning plans are explored. Using data to inform instruction is addressed as part of the planning component. A 20 hour field experience is required.

Educational Tests and Measurements
EDU 3410

Examines test construction and application of evaluation principles related to K-12. Emphasis on reading, interpreting, and using data from a variety of assessments including standardized and teacher-made achievement tests. Common Core Standards will be studied in relationship to both formative and summative assessment as instructional tools.

Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas (FE-20)
EDU 3510

Investigates teaching of reading and writing in the various subject matter fields at the secondary level. Stresses skills of vocabulary building, comprehension and writing as well as skills and methods of motivating adolescents to read and write. A 20 hour field experience in a secondary school is required.

Effective Classroom Environments
EDU 3556

Focuses on the major traditional and current behavior management theorists and strategies. Prepares the candidate to use effective strategies for developing a safe but invigorating classroom climate. The creation of a Classroom Management Plan and its implementation in a classroom is included within this course. Only juniors or seniors scheduled to student teach within two semesters of taking EDU 3556 are permitted to enroll in the course.

Methods and Materials for Secondary Education (FE-30)
EDU 4230

Examines strategies, resources, and experience in middle and secondary schools. It will familiarize candidates with methods of instruction, assessment, and classroom management appropriate in these schools, as well as organizational characteristics of each. A 20-hour field experience required.

Education in an Urban Culture (FE-10)
SOC 3270

Provides an overview of the diverse educational needs, challenges, opportunities, and rewards that teachers encounter as they seek to effectively meet the needs of learners in urban schools. Students explore the history of public schools in urban areas, the characteristics of the urban child, as well as effective teaching strategies for working with students who are identified as "at risk" as well as English Second Language (ESL) students. This course addresses the competencies, tools. and instructional strategies to effectively create positive classroom environments and assist in student achievement. The course includes a 10-hour field experience for Education majors in a low socioeconomic, ethnically/racially diverse, preferably ESL school setting. Any non-Education major may complete the field experience requirement through volunteering in a number of alternative settings such as private agencies, and businesses whose primary focus is working in urban communities with children and their families identified as "at-risk." The alternative settings listed would be an acceptable environment to address the course learning outcomes. This course is an option for any student exploring choices in meeting the Intercultural Literacy requirement.

Student Teaching Seminar
EDU 4600

Focuses on the application and analysis of knowledge and teaching skills in the classroom, lesson and unit planning, classroom management, discipline models, and current professional issues. Taken in conjunction with enhanced student teaching. Permission required.

Enhanced Student Teaching Secondary School
EDU 4670

Provides the culminating fifteen-week, semester-long experience for all who are seeking a secondary license. Consists of full-day classroom observation and practice teaching in the major curricular area in two different school settings: one 7 1/2-week placement in a middle school in grades 6-8 and one 7 1/2-week placement in a secondary school in grades 9-12. Physical Education majors seeking a K-12 license will have placements in early elementary grades K-4 and middle/secondary grades 5-12. Music majors seeking a K-12 license will have placements in elementary grades K-5 and secondary grades 6-12. Graded S-U. Permission required.

edTPA Seminar
EDU 4730

A prerequisite for Enhanced Student Teaching. This course provides the candidate with experiences in preparation, procedures, implementation, and submittal of required edTPA documentation for initial licensure. Permission required. Graded S/U.

Technology for Educators
EDU 2100

Focuses on media and specific technologies appropriate to teachers in the educational setting, both for instructional purposes and administrative tasks. Includes exposure to and use of various equipment, materials, and software, including Internet and Office. Computer-assisted instruction and management techniques are presented.

Historical Research
HIS 4200

Concentrates on the process of historical research with particular attention to research methodology and preparation of a research paper. Offered annually.

Senior Seminar
HIS 4700

A culminating seminar for History majors. During this course, students will discuss and analyze current events using their learned historical skills. Students will also research and write a paper on a chosen topic in their major area, engage in professional development activities, and take an exit examination (major field test).  Offered annually.

Enlightenment to Modernity in Europe
HIS 3160
Study of the social, political, intellectual, religious, ethical, and economic revolutions and movements of the Enlightenment and Modernity eras of European history. The course will contextualize and analyze how frequently contradictory concepts of reason, rationality, science, religion, romanticism, tolerance, intolerance, ethics, morality, and power were articulated and realized in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Twentieth Century Culture and Conflicts
HIS 3165

This course focuses on the political, diplomatic, social, artistic, and cultural trends from World War I to the collapse of the Soviet Union in Europe and America, and expands to other areas of the world directly impacted by Western culture and conflict. The attributes of the Post-Modern era and the ways that war altered previously held definitions of society, nation, community, gender, race, science, and ethics will be explored.

Latin American History
HIS 3170

A survey of the development of the Central and South American nations, from settlement to the present day.

History of Asia
HIS 3260

Examines the political, social and economic development of Russia and the Far Eastern nations. Offered alternate years.

U.S. History Elective
Choose a U.S. History Elective.
Problem Solving: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach
MAT 1080

This course is designed to promote students' understanding and appreciation of mathematics and to develop quantitative and problem solving skills. The course will further introduce students to a wide range of applications of mathematics to modern life. Topics will be selected from linear and non-linear models, logic, sets, probability, counting techniques, statistics, matrices, and game theory.

Concepts of Mathematics
MAT 1040

Considers the realm of mathematics as some of the greatest ideas of humankind-ideas comparable to the works of Shakespeare, Plato, and Michelangelo. This course will introduce students to several of these ideas, selected from topics in numerical patterns, infinity, geometry, topology, chaos, probability, and statistics. Study of these topics will not only demonstrate the beauty of mathematics but will also develop critical thinking skills. This course is designed for liberal arts majors to satisfy the general education requirement.

Mathematics of History and Cultures
MAT 1090
A History of Mathematics course with an emphasis on the historical development of number systems, algebra, and geometry, as well as the use of mathematics in problem solving in other cultures and in other times.
Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 2010

A general introduction to the study of philosophy, both Western and non-Western. The course is organized around three domains of philosophical reflection: metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Representative philosophers from Socrates to Confucius will be used to illuminate the philosophical task. The course also includes discussion of world religions as representatives of non-Western philosophy.

PHL 3070

A philosophical analysis of the narratives and principles that have contributed to moral and ethical norms for human action.

Life Science
SCI 1500

A study of biological concepts including the chemistry of life, principles of inheritance, evolutionary theories, biological organization of various organisms, and relationships between organisms and their environment. Issues related to current advances in biotechnology and medicine are also considered. The process of scientific inquiry is emphasized and practiced in both the lecture and laboratory. Fee charged.

Physical Science
SCI 1600

Designed to convey the nature of matter and methods of study in the physical sciences and to study physical science concepts; issues and values related to the well-being of individuals, society and the environment are considered. Lecture and lab. Fee charged.

The Family in Society
SOC 2500

A study of the functions of the institution of family and the inter-relationship of family and other major institutions in society including the ways in which current social conditions and cultural, ethnic, and economic diversity influence this relationship. Current sociological research on family behavior will be examined and a Christian perspective on family emphasized.

Social Problems
SOC 3200

A sociological description and analysis of some of the contemporary social problems in American Society with an emphasis on programs designed to help remedy these problems.

Urban Sociology
SOC 3300

An examination of urban lifestyles, problems, development, and change from a historical perspective, providing both theoretical and practical background for analysis of various urban conditions, and seeking to identify and apply practical solutions to these problems. A major experiential learning component is field work and ethnographic research in core urban Nashville neighborhoods. A section on urban planning and urban ministry is included.

Classical Foundations of the West: Ancient Greece & Rome
HIS 3145
Traces the history of the ancient Mediterranean and the early developments for the Western world with a focus on the civilizations of Greece and Rome, from Homer and the development of the Greek city-state to Saint Augustine and the fall of the Roman Empire. This is an interdisciplinary "great books and art" course that teaches about these influential cultures by exposing students to the masterpieces they created and exploring their context and impact.
Rise of Christendom: Late Antique and Medieval Europe and Byzantium
HIS 3150
Investigates the history of Europe and the Near East from the collapse of the Roman Empire to the dawn of the Renaissance. Students will study the political, economic, social, religious, artistic, and cultural development of the three successor civilizations to Greece and Rome: Byzantium, Islam, and Medieval Europe, with particular emphasis on the latter and the development of the era of Christendom and power of the medieval church and papacy.

*For a complete list of courses, tracks and other relevant information, view the program's course catalog.